Coffee May Lower the Risk of Endometrial Cancer

According to Reuters Health News , the Swedish researchers who are releasing the results of their study in the November International Journal of Cancer, drinking coffee may significantly lower the risk of endometrial cancer.  The benefits of coffee  are strongest for obese women.

Below is the article with a link at the end for you to go straight to the page:

What is endometrial cancer?

Forming in the tissue that lines the uterus, endometrial cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting women in America.  Also known as uterine cancer, this form of cancer can be very deadly.  According to the National Cancer Institute, there are 42,160 predicted new cases this year, and 7,780 expected deaths.  If discovered early on, a complete removal of the uterus can take care of endometrial cancer altogether. 

How does coffee help prevent endometrial cancer?

How exactly coffee helps is unknown, although, in 2008, and possibly earlier, it was proposed that coffee’s impact on insulin and estrogen levels, decreasing the circulation of both, may reduce the risk of uterine cancer.  The Swedish researchers believe that the three factors of blood sugar levels, estrogen, and fat cells have something to do with the benefits of coffee, with all three being impacted by coffee consumption and as well being factors in contracting endometrial cancer. 
In the Swedish study, 60,634 women were monitored for 17 years.  Their coffee habits were recorded, as well as their health.  One percent of the women ended up with uterine cancer.  The study concluded that for women of an average weight, two cups of coffee a day reduced the chances of getting cancer by 10%, for overweight women, 12%, and obese women, 20%.–Tea-Examiner~y2009m10d31-Another-potential-health-benefit-of-coffee-lowering-the-risk-of-endometrial-cancer

About christy

Another coffee lover!

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