More Good Reasons To Drink Coffee

I found even more Reasons to Drink Coffee! I thought I’d add them for you. See documentation at the end of entry.

1.Coffee is high in polyphenols — plant chemicals that are known to reduce inflammation. Polyphenols also have other positive effects on the heart, blood vessels and blood sugar
2.They help to relax blood vessels, which can also lower blood pressure. Can you freaking imagine? I would think it makes it go up. Oh wait! Here it is: Excessive caffeine may increase blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia. I knew that.
.They act as antioxidants and may help to reduce blockages in the arteries. I knew that and I hope that my arteries are clean as a whistle.
4. Thinning the blood by reducing platelet stickiness.
5.Unfiltered coffee can increase your blood cholesterol levels, so use a filter when you brew.
6. Reduces the risk of gallstones

Some Risks that should be duly noted:

1. More than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day can increase the risk of miscarriage.
2. Caffeine increases the loss of calcium in the urine. Keep your intake under 300mil a day or take a good calcium supplement to counteract that caffeine effect.
3. Excessive caffeine may increase blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia

I found this useful information at

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